self-study is

Self-learning and effective growth” 2 days will be devoted to the study of the most famous aspect of a manager’s career and the non-standard, “humanized” view of it. The topic is for those who are planning a career in management and want to harmoniously develop their communication, the ability to perceive, set and achieve their goals.


Speaker: Dmitry Sumin

Objective: To determine his own style of communication, communication styles and interaction with different people. Analysis of their interaction with others and their reactions to themselves and their behavior. The formation of an adequate view of interpersonal relationships and himself in the organization. And of course, based on all this, setting a more effective plan of interaction with people, and as a consequence – more effective and efficient achievement of goals.

Speaker: Irina Pankova

Purpose – “To adapt the knowledge of the “human factor” to the specifics of business” 2 weeks training I will devote to the analysis of what is the “human factor”, how to recognize it, how it affects the effectiveness of staff performance, how to identify and neutralize it, and talk about the techniques that are used when hiring or adapting employee when you can not rely on them.

I_D_V_E_S PREMIUM MANAGER On the first day of the training we will analyze the functionality of the “human factor”, talk about what are the roles and responsibilities in the company, who can claim them. Together with you we will define the selection criteria for the position of human resources manager, analyze staff turnover, and demonstrate tests for “man-sabotage” and “conflict”.

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